This tutorial provides instructions for how to create an authentication mechanism for a web application utilizing Flask as the Python web framework and Elasticsearch (ES) as the NoSQL data store. Many applications utilize ES as the index/search layer, but I choose ES as the primary database as a proof of concept for both persistant and search data layers. ES can be swapped out with almost any available NoSQL document store.
A basic understanding of the *NIX system, Python, and web applications is required otherwise you may struggle with some of the concepts and context. If you are new to Flask, I highly recommend checking out Miguel Grinberg’s Flask Mega Tutorial or his newley published Flask Book by O’Reilly for a complete Flask application how-to. The User Login tutorial actually inspired me to build this tutorial for a NoSQL data store.
In this first part of the tutorial, I will be covering the prerequisites, the main API, the User model, and the Users API end point. If you have any questions, feel free to write below and I’ll be happy to answer if you have any issues.
Let’s get started!
Below are the specific prerequisites that are required to setup the working environment and download the neccesary packages and files.
- linux server: This tutorial is based off the Centos 6.4 x86_64 base image, so package management (and command instructions below) are via RPM and Yum. sudo or root privileges are required to install the various system packages. If you prefer Debian, you’ll need to substitute the respectable DEB packages and apt-get commands.
ssh username@hostname
- Elasticsearch: The ES server package is downloaded directly from the ES site. Installation and the default configuration is all that is required to get the service running. You can verify ES is running by executing
curl -X GET
or navigating to the URL.
note that version 1.3.2 is used at the time of writing
wget wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.3.2.noarch.rpm && yum install elasticsearch-1.3.2.noarch.rpm --nogpgcheck -y
service elasticsearch start
1 | $ curl -X GET { "status" : 200, "name" : "Sludge", "version" : { "number" : "1.3.2", "build_hash" : "dee175dbe2f254f3f26992f5d7591939aaefd12f", "build_timestamp" : "2014-08-13T14:29:30Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "4.9" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" } |
- Python: Python 2.6.6 is already included in the base Centos 6.4, so that version will work. We’ll be using Python virtual environments and Pip to handle the Python libraries and dependencies:
yum install python-virtualenv python-virtualenvwrapper python-pip -y
- Git: We’ll need to install Git and clone the tutorial source code from my Gihub repository.
yum install git -y
git clone https://github.com/phriscage/flask_elasticsearch_auth_example && cd flask_elasticsearch_auth_example
- Python libraries: Create a new virtual environment and activate it. Then pull the packages from PyPi using Pip and requirements.txt:
mkvirtualenv flask_elasticsearch_auth_example -r requirements.txt
Now we should have all the required dependencies. :)
Main API
Before we create the primary User model, we need to create the basic Flask app API and verify we can connect to ES. I’m using Flask’s global g module to handle the ES client connection for each request. You can tweak the ES connection pool options for the cluster, but for now the default connection object works. I am using the default_error_handle method to return a standard JSON formatted message for all of the relevant HTTP error codes.
1 | def connect_db(): |
The main.py arguments accept a specific hostname or IP and port number. When you start the application, the output should look like this:
1 | $ ./main.py 2014-12-06 22:10:05,770 INFO werkzeug[8640] : _log : * Running on 2014-12-06 22:10:05,770 INFO werkzeug[8640] : _log : * Restarting with reloader |
We can verify it works, along with the default_error_handle, but pulling the base URL. curl -X GET -D -
1 | $ curl -X GET -D - HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 191 Server: Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.6.6 Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:35:23 GMT { "error": "404: Not Found", "message": "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.", "success": false } |
Great! Now let’s define our User model and how-to store the user document data in ES.
User model
The User model contains the data structure and validation methods for the user metadata that will be passed from the API.
First, we include the system level modules and two password hash functions from werkzeug. We define what the key or ID attribute name will be for our user document and any additional required and/or valid attributes for the document.
1 | from __future__ import absolute_import |
Instatiation of class executes private class functions to validate the kwargs against the global VALID_AGRS and REQUIRED_ARGS. It also sets the default and required values for the user document:
1 | class User(object): |
The set_password and check_password functions are how the model generates a password hash and verifies a plain text password against a hash. Instead of creating our own hashing algorithms, we use werkzeug’s utilies we imported above:
1 | def set_password(self, password): |
There’s not alot going on the User model for Part I, but we will expand the functionality in the next tutorial.
Users API:
Now that we have our basic user model, let’s define the User API endpoint that enables us to create a new user in ES. I’m using Flask’s Blueprint, jsonify, request and g modules. I created a ‘users’ Blueprint and added the root ‘/new’ route to create new users via HTTP POST. REST API Tutorial provides a greate “resource” for learning the appropriate synatx naming. For a truely textbook RESTful interface, one can argue between how a new resource is created ( ‘/users/new’, ‘/user/new’, or ‘/users’) and if resource pluralization matters, but I’ll save that discussion for a later date…
The overall logic is straightforward. First we verify the request content type is ‘application/json’. Next we create the User model and check the payload. Then check if the User document exits in ES. Finally, create a new User document if the User key, email_address, does not exist in ES.
1 | import os |
Next we need to import the users Blueprint and register it with the URL route to the app in main.py:
1 | from example.v1.api.users.views import users |
If your ‘main.py’ file is not running, restart it. Finally, let’s test creating a new user ‘test@abc.com’ against the Users API with the curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"email_address": "test@abc.com", "password": "test"}'
1 | $ curl -X POST -D - -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"email_address": "test@abc.com", "password": "test"}' HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 73 Server: Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.6.6 Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:33:55 GMT { "message": "'test@abc.com' added successfully!", "success": true } |
You’ll notice that if we try to add the same user again, we recieve a 409 conflict error:
1 | $ curl -X POST -D - -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"email_address": "test@abc.com", "password": "test"}' HTTP/1.0 409 CONFLICT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 70 Server: Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.6.6 Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:34:01 GMT { "message": "'test@abc.com' already exists.", "success": false } |
That’s it for Part I. I’ll follow up in a couple weeks with Part II which will utilize Flask-Login to handle the user session managment.